‘India’s expanding partnership with the US is marked by a fascinating political puzzle. It also rests in the continuing underestimation of Delhi’s capacity to rework its great power relations to meet India’s changing interests and circumstances.’ In light of this, examine the factors shaping India’s relationship with the U.S and how these factors have transformed the relationship.10 marks

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/quad-group-india-us-relations-joe-biden-7219965/ In the intro, mention the recent digital meet of the Quad foreign minister after just a few … Continue reading ‘India’s expanding partnership with the US is marked by a fascinating political puzzle. It also rests in the continuing underestimation of Delhi’s capacity to rework its great power relations to meet India’s changing interests and circumstances.’ In light of this, examine the factors shaping India’s relationship with the U.S and how these factors have transformed the relationship.10 marks