Q.2) Despite the promise of Article 21, the NCRB data reveals that the number of those dying in prison as they await their trials is only going up. In light of this, examine the issues faced by the incarcerated people in India and suggest the measure to improve their conditions. (10 Marks)

“Mentor’s Comments” https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/for-indias-undertrials-the-legal-process-is-the-punishment-7411017/ https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-more-humane-police-force/article35414663.ece In the intro, mention the figures about custody related deaths in India. In the body, mention … Continue reading Q.2) Despite the promise of Article 21, the NCRB data reveals that the number of those dying in prison as they await their trials is only going up. In light of this, examine the issues faced by the incarcerated people in India and suggest the measure to improve their conditions. (10 Marks)