Q.2 Few Western powers are as deeply connected to India as Britain. This is also accentuated by their shared vision for a transformative decade for the India-United Kingdom partnership. In the context of this, examine the opportunities offered by the deepening partnership between the two countries. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/ink-india-britain-free-trade-unlock-new-opportunity/article38366663.ece https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/narendra-modi-boris-johnson-digital-conversation-covid-crisis-india-uk-relations-7300826/ In the intro, mention an announcement made by leaders of two countries for a shared vision for … Continue reading Q.2 Few Western powers are as deeply connected to India as Britain. This is also accentuated by their shared vision for a transformative decade for the India-United Kingdom partnership. In the context of this, examine the opportunities offered by the deepening partnership between the two countries. (10 Marks)