Q.2 In the last couple of years, India’s assistance to other developing countries has multiplied several times. but quality project delivery is yet to become the country’s USP. Enhancing the efficacy of India’s development cooperation endeavours has been a challenging issue for the past several decades. In light of this, examine the nature of India’s developmental cooperation and suggest the measure for proficient delivery of outcomes. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/why-india-needs-an-international-development-cooperation-agency-7582421/ In the intro, mention on average, India provides development assistance of $6.48 billion. In the body, elaborate … Continue reading Q.2 In the last couple of years, India’s assistance to other developing countries has multiplied several times. but quality project delivery is yet to become the country’s USP. Enhancing the efficacy of India’s development cooperation endeavours has been a challenging issue for the past several decades. In light of this, examine the nature of India’s developmental cooperation and suggest the measure for proficient delivery of outcomes. (10 Marks)