Q.2 India is seen as a global trendsetter in the DPI movement, having set up multiple large-scale Digital Public Infrastructures(DPI). List the various DPIs in various sectors in India. Suggest the changes needed in the non-tech layers of these DPIs. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/filling-physical-gaps-india-digital-push-7804112/ In the intro, mention how  Aadhaar and UPI have helped improve the public service delivery landscape. In … Continue reading Q.2 India is seen as a global trendsetter in the DPI movement, having set up multiple large-scale Digital Public Infrastructures(DPI). List the various DPIs in various sectors in India. Suggest the changes needed in the non-tech layers of these DPIs. (10 Marks)