Q.2 Investments in our strategic, economic, and community ties show what we can achieve when two multicultural democracies join in a spirit of trust and understanding. In the context of this, discuss the factors that are making India-Australia relations stronger than ever and the potential for them to extend the cooperation in various areas. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/realising-the-potential-of-maitri-and-mateship/article65246697.ece https://theprint.in/diplomacy/from-cricket-trade-to-strategic-allies-the-14-year-switch-in-india-australia-relationship/752038/ In the intro, mention that India and Australia have been close to each other due to … Continue reading Q.2 Investments in our strategic, economic, and community ties show what we can achieve when two multicultural democracies join in a spirit of trust and understanding. In the context of this, discuss the factors that are making India-Australia relations stronger than ever and the potential for them to extend the cooperation in various areas. (10 Marks)