Q.2) Pandemic induced crisis in learning and the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is forcing us to reimagine education and align it with the unprecedented technological transformation. In light of this, assess India’s readiness to integrate technology in learning and suggest the way forward to create ed-tech policy architecture in India. (15 Marks)

“Mentor’s Comments” https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/the-future-of-learning-in-india-is-ed-tech-pandemic-online-classes-7381782/ In the intro, mention that the closure of schools has forced us to adopt technology to mitigate … Continue reading Q.2) Pandemic induced crisis in learning and the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is forcing us to reimagine education and align it with the unprecedented technological transformation. In light of this, assess India’s readiness to integrate technology in learning and suggest the way forward to create ed-tech policy architecture in India. (15 Marks)