Q.2 “The combined financial firepower, human capital, and technology prowess available between the two countries would place the world on a safer and more stable plane. The India-US partnership is, in that sense, not a nicety but a necessity for the new multipolar world order.” Comment. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/the-key-to-us-india-partnership-defence-and-technology-cooperation-8049285/ In the intro, mention the emergence of China and India to make the global order multipolar. In … Continue reading Q.2 “The combined financial firepower, human capital, and technology prowess available between the two countries would place the world on a safer and more stable plane. The India-US partnership is, in that sense, not a nicety but a necessity for the new multipolar world order.” Comment. (15 Marks)