Q.3 As the world adapts to a new normal post-COVID-19, building resilience to cope with the threats posed by pandemics and other man-made and natural disasters has necessitated strengthening global partnerships. In light of this, examine the areas which need to be focused on in the post-Pandemic world and opportunities it offers for India. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/the-stepping-stones-in-the-post-pandemic-world/article37940694.ece In the intro, briefly mention the various effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the body, mention areas … Continue reading Q.3 As the world adapts to a new normal post-COVID-19, building resilience to cope with the threats posed by pandemics and other man-made and natural disasters has necessitated strengthening global partnerships. In light of this, examine the areas which need to be focused on in the post-Pandemic world and opportunities it offers for India. (10 Marks)