Q.3 Commenting on the approach followed by India in its Long Term – Low Emission Development Strategy (LT- LEDS) to achieve net zero emission target, highlight the key features of the strategy. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1875816 https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/indias-long-term-strategy-to-transition-to-a-low-emissions-pathway-involves-more-nuclear-power-more-ethanol-for-the-clean-energy-transformation/article66136754.ece Introduce the answer by stating India’s net zero target. Also, mention the submission of LT-LEDS by … Continue reading Q.3 Commenting on the approach followed by India in its Long Term – Low Emission Development Strategy (LT- LEDS) to achieve net zero emission target, highlight the key features of the strategy. (15 Marks)