Q.3 Highlighting the factors affecting forex reserves, bring out the factors behind the recent decline in India’s forex reserves. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- https://indianexpress.com/article/business/economy/rising-inflation-strong-usd-forex-reserves-plummet-110-billion-in-13-months-8198127/#:~:text=by%20global%20developments.-,The%20rupee%20hit%20a%20record%20low%20of%2082.33%20against%20the,registered%20on%20September%203%2C%202021. In the introduction, explain what are forex reserves. In the body, first list down some of the … Continue reading Q.3 Highlighting the factors affecting forex reserves, bring out the factors behind the recent decline in India’s forex reserves. (10 Marks)