Q.3 India is getting a demographic dividend that will last nearly 30 years. How it handles this windfall will determine if it will rise to the top of the economic league table by the end of this century. In context of this examine the various factors that are in India’s favour when compared with the China of the 1970s when it embarked on economic reforms. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/reaping-the-demographic-dividend/article65720792.ece In the intro, mention the UN report World Population Prospects 2022. In the body mention various factors … Continue reading Q.3 India is getting a demographic dividend that will last nearly 30 years. How it handles this windfall will determine if it will rise to the top of the economic league table by the end of this century. In context of this examine the various factors that are in India’s favour when compared with the China of the 1970s when it embarked on economic reforms. (10 Marks)