Q.3) Since last year, the policy responses of the government have been to rely on credit easing, focusing more on supply-side measures, with more and more guarantees by the government to improve credit flow to important sectors. Examine the effectiveness of such measures to prop up the growth. (10 Marks)

“Mentor’s Comments” https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/growth-matters-but-income-levels-matter-more/article35311246.ece In the intro, mention the importance of improving the demand in any economic recovery after the shocks. … Continue reading Q.3) Since last year, the policy responses of the government have been to rely on credit easing, focusing more on supply-side measures, with more and more guarantees by the government to improve credit flow to important sectors. Examine the effectiveness of such measures to prop up the growth. (10 Marks)