Q.3 The global electric mobility revolution is today defined by the rapid growth in electric vehicle (EV) uptake. In the context of this, examine the opportunities offered by the battery storage revolution for India and discuss the measures taken by India to promote the EV ecosystem in India. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/indias-greener-future-electric-vehicle-evs-zero-carbon-emission-7649708/ In the intro, mention that India is among a handful of countries that supports the global EV30@30 … Continue reading Q.3 The global electric mobility revolution is today defined by the rapid growth in electric vehicle (EV) uptake. In the context of this, examine the opportunities offered by the battery storage revolution for India and discuss the measures taken by India to promote the EV ecosystem in India. (10 Marks)