Q.3 There is an urgent need for reorientation of the long-term direction of agri-food systems to not only enhance farm incomes but also ensure better access to safe and nutritious foods. Suggest the changes in India’s food system to ensure both the economic and food safety of the country. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/sowing-better-to-eat-better/article36995739.ece In the intro, mention the decline in nutrition-related indicators in surveys. In the body, mention the relation … Continue reading Q.3 There is an urgent need for reorientation of the long-term direction of agri-food systems to not only enhance farm incomes but also ensure better access to safe and nutritious foods. Suggest the changes in India’s food system to ensure both the economic and food safety of the country. (15 Marks)