Q.3 While infrastructure can act as the force multiplier to achieve a 5 trillion USD economy, Gatishakti masterplan can play a similar role for the growth of infrastructure. Elaborate. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/help-bring-capital-into-national-infrastructure-pipeline-pm-gati-shakti-fm-to-niif/article66149501.ece https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/gati-shakti-a-much-needed-fast-track-to-development/ Introduce the answer with significance of infrastructure and describe Gatishakti plan. In the body, explain the … Continue reading Q.3 While infrastructure can act as the force multiplier to achieve a 5 trillion USD economy, Gatishakti masterplan can play a similar role for the growth of infrastructure. Elaborate. (15 Marks)