Q.3 With cooperation from the private sector, India will be able to responsibly use its fair share of the global carbon space and contribute to reaching the global net-zero goal to build a more environmentally sustainable planet. In the context of this, elaborate on the steps taken by India to achieve the goal. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/a-partnership-to-carry-india-into-net-zero-future-7706604/ In the intro, mention India’s commitment to net-zero emission by 2070. In the body, mention India’s renewable … Continue reading Q.3 With cooperation from the private sector, India will be able to responsibly use its fair share of the global carbon space and contribute to reaching the global net-zero goal to build a more environmentally sustainable planet. In the context of this, elaborate on the steps taken by India to achieve the goal. (10 Marks)