12th January (Thursday) at 7 PM | Game-changing masterclass by Santosh sir | 90% of questions in UPSC prelims 2023 will come from these 50 broad themes.
Listen to Santosh Sir…
Have you ever asked yourself why UPSC conducts Prelims? To know how many books you’ve read or how many revisions have you made?
None of the above.
The Prelims exam is the first stage to measure how objective you are. How aware you are of your surroundings. Apart from that how you are able to take risks.
It is strictly an aptitude test based on your knowledge and awareness.
Clearing the UPSC Prelims exam can be even tougher task to tackle for those who are stuck in some kind of blind revisions of NCERTs as well as Advanced books. It’s sometimes found that 99% of Prelims candidates remain engrossed in revising Test series, Yellow books of current affairs, and Notes just before D-day.
But is there any guarantee that the above things will definitely sail every aspirant through the first and the most deadly hurdle of UPSC, the Prelims? NOPE
So, if you’re aspiring to crack the UPSC Prelims exam 2023 in less than 5 months, the road ahead might appear intimidating but it is not impossible.
Santosh Gupta (the UPSC Prelims Guru) will share the 50 most important topics for UPSC prelims 2023 and 5 techniques that you can use to maximize your chances of clearing the exam with 95% accuracy – so never ever miss such a crucial LIVE session!

Webinar Details:
Date: 12th January (Thursday)
Time: 7 PM onwards
- Mode: Online, Zoom link will be emailed to you
- Post-webinar Civilsdaily strategy pack will be shared with you via email
- Recording of the webinar can be requested by filling up the same registration form
The awesome masterclass is an opportunity to grasp the outstanding tips on the 50 Most Important Topics & 5 Techniques To Ace UPSC Prelims 2023 With 95% Accuracy
Whether it is your 1st attempt, 2nd attempt, or 3rd, this webinar will help you immensely to clear UPSC Prelims 2023 with ease.

Key takeaways discussed in the webinar:
- 50 Most Important Topics after a comprehensive trend analysis of the past 5 yrs’ UPSC Prelims GS 1 paper. So, how to change your preparation methods right now?
- To beat the uncertainty, which 5 techniques are essential to attempt UPSC Prelims 2023 paper with 95% Accuracy?
- How to solve unexpected questions or bouncer questions? These are questions you’ve never anticipated while preparing for the Prelims.
- Strategy for the next 4.5 months and how to utilize remaining time to the fullest.
- Significance of Current Affairs. Is it really declining in Prelims? How to cover current affairs?
- How to cover GS static syllabus and connect it with current affairs for UPSC prelims 2023?
- What is logic based questions solving in prelims? Solving MCQs even when you don’t know the exact answer.
- Using Time-Tested Elimination Techniques. How to use these techniques in sample questions? only generalized preparation is not enough. You have to be ready for the worst. Besides usual ordinary questions, you have to solve more or less offbeat questions. Remember, Offbeat questions require an offbeat approach and it gets 125+ in prelims for you. So, how to apply ‘Intelligent guessing’, ‘the way of thinking, and ‘Core common sense.
- How to stay alert at the 5 worst mistakes areas, like unknown extremely factual questions, Random questions such as from sports in 2021, Questions from old current affairs, Ques. that are not directly from current affairs but inspired by current affairs, and Questions based on common sense such as questions in prelims-2021 and 2022.
- Learn time management in the exam hall. Most of the time, twisted questions force you to take more time to answer. So, How to filter out and attempt easy questions in the first round quickly and move on to the next with which moderate to difficult questions? will be discussed thoroughly.
- How to avoid silly mistakes by using common sense to the plausibility of statements given. Usually, low-confident aspirants do not attempt these types of questions and overconfident ones make mistakes by overthinking.
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Webinar masterclass on 12th Jan (Monday), 7 pm
12th January (Thursday) at 7 PM | Ultimate Guide for UPSC Prelims 2023 by Santosh Sir | 50 Most Important Topics & 5 Techniques To Ace UPSC Prelims 2023 With 95% Accuracy