160+ In Essay Was Never This Easy | Boost Your Score Through Dedicated Mentorship | Essay FLTs 2020 (video link inside)

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How to write an essay that will fetch you 160+ marks in IAS mains exam? What are the components of a great essay? How to write philosophical essays? Like these, you might’ve got a lot of questions.

Zeeshan sir will be live today at 7 pm to unlock the mystery around IAS mains Essay paper and answer all of your questions. Click on the video below to set reminder.

Enroll here for Essay FLTs 2020

Zeeshan sir himself will be mentoring and streamlining your essay preparation in Essay FLTs 2020 program.

How to write UPSC IAS essays?

What is Essay FLTs 2020?

It is a mentor-driven Essay test series for UPSC 2020 Mains exam. Our focus is on personalized attention in evaluation, execution, and course correction. Our innovative methodology in topic selection, reviews, and evaluation on one hand and mentorship and collaborative approach on the other will build your capacity to write Essays that will fetch 160+ marks.

What are we offering and how is it unique?

We’ve innovated at every step of the process.

Highly relevant, precise and thoughtful topic selection 

Our research tells us there are 8 broad themes of essays being asked since 2010 – Economy, Polity, Women Issues, Education, Science & Tech, Philosophy, IR, Miscellaneous.

But there is some rationality to the way UPSC selects essay topics. Those themes are highly relevant to the current times and one can find a strong correlation with current affairs of the past year(s).

We plan to develop your competencies so that you can be better prepared for the actual exam.

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An innovative methodology for reviews  

Our biggest innovation lies in our review methodology. Specific portions of your essay will be highlighted with symbols to indicate issues in essay writing

  1. (X) Cross  – FUNDAMENTAL FLAWS like judgments/strong postures which need to be avoided at all costs.
  2. (*)Star -APPRECIATION for uniqueness.
  3. STRUCTURE is not maintained. Issues with Language and expression.
  4. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS for candidates.

Along with this, Zeeshan sir will also leave specific reviews on strengths and weaknesses.

We don’t want to merely suggest additional points that can be googled by the student themselves or point out superficial flaws like not ‘sticking to the topic’. They don’t necessarily highlight the shortcomings in the essay. This adds very little value to students. We go much beyond that and help students fix major flaws in their essays.

10 parameters on which your essays are going to get evaluated

  1. Comprehension of the topic
  2. Language and Expression
  3. Structure and Organisation of thought.
  4. Objectivity and Biases. Balance of perception
  5. Attitude whether a learner or judgmental
  6. Focus and attention
  7. Content and Source matter, Knowledge and information processing capability
  8. Ability to forge links in an interdisciplinary manner
  9. The simplicity of disposition
  10. Observational Skills

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Model essays with indicative structure and good essay copies

You will be provided with good essay copies to serve as sample answers. This is a better alternative than sample answers which are hastily written and at times not updated with the latest figures.

Students have an incorrect impression that going through a sample essay will somehow help them write better essays. This is absolutely incorrect.

To develop your competency in tackling different topics, you have to be able to come up with appropriate structures. This aspect of the program addresses this issue.

The expectation from you would be that you study the solutions in detail and try to address the shortcomings in your essays. Should doubts still persist, we’re here to help.

One-to-one Mentorship and Civilsdaily’s handholding

This component of the program is the most important. Post-evaluation of your essay test you will get on a one-to-one discussion with Zeeshan sir. He will discuss the topic in considerable depth, appropriate structure, pitfalls to avoid, etc.

Along with that, sir will also discuss copies presenting different styles in which the essays could be attempted.

Membership to exclusive group on Habitat

Habitat is our learning platform, here you’ll be given membership to an exclusive Essay group. This group will be administered by Zeeshan sir, Sajal sir, in-service officers, rankers, and other mentors.

Habitat discussions

Enroll here for Essay FLTs 2020

For essays, you need multiple perspectives to understand a topic or an issue in its entirety. You need discussions; arguments; confluence, confrontation, and integration of ideas. Here, discussions will be facilitated by mentors and enriched by different viewpoints by peers. Moreover, you can ask and discuss any of your doubts with peers and Zeeshan sir.

Besides these, you will be given the following 

  • Any additional material that we release for essays.
  • Notes and reference material including good articles, essays, etc. on Habitat group.

Program inclusion

  1. 5 FLTs
  2. Model essays
  3. One-to-one mentorship
  4. Membership to exclusive Essay group on Habitat
  5. Notes and references on Habitat

Price of the program

  • Rs. 4000 + taxes for Smash Mains 2020 enrolled students
  • Rs. 5000 + taxes for other students

Note: Smash Mains 2020 students can ask for a payment link from our team/ping us on WhatsApp +91 8929987787

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Should you have any queries or doubts reach out to us at hello@civilsdaily.com or ping us on WhatsApp +91 8929987787.

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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