Success in UPSC Civil Services Examination = 50% Knowledge + 50% Strategy. Both knowledge and strategy are important to clear this exam.
You might have finished reading your mandatory standard books, but still is your preparation complete? Do you remember all the important facts in your current affairs syllabus? Have you practised maps yet? Do you know all the important kingdoms in Ancient & Medieval History? Do you have a strong conceptual clarity on the foundational topics of Prelims? Are there any questions you have come across while practising your test series which you want to discuss in a live webinar? Then, register yourself for our next Ask me Anything Session with Prelims Toppers & UPSC Mentors Shubham & Anurag.
Open to All Free Live Q&A Webinar with Prelims Toppers & Civilsdaily Mentors Anurag & Shubham
How long has it been since you revised your GS subjects? First time reading of all books is always easy. In the second and third time readings, you will realise that your recollection of the topics is still sparse. All the topics might seem new, even when they are already read. In the second and third time readings, not only you are expected to write down notes but also start your subject-wise test series. So, how will you fit in revision study plan with your test series and current affairs schedule in the next five months?
Since, there are five months for Prelims exams to begin in 2022, do you think its too early to start CSAT preparation? CSAT, is only a qualifying paper but it definitely is not a piece of cake. In the past two years, questions testing the analytical, reasoning and aptitude skills of candidates have become tougher. Many toppers have had to write Prelims a second time as they had underestimated CSAT the first time. Case in point, is our Civilsdaily student and IPS Officer Shubham Nagargoje.

Most importantly, if you have not yet started UPSC preparation, but still want to give 2022 a decent attempt, then you might be unsure how you can do justice to Prelims preparation in the last five months. Anurag and Shubham sir will draw the correct roadmap for such learners.
Key-Takeaways of Free Live Ask Me Anything Session with Shubham & Anurag Sir
Both Shubham and Anurag sir have attended interview round of UPSC-CSE as aspirants two to three times respectively and cleared the prelims five to six times respectively with a score above 110 marks. In their Q&A webinar, they will be welcoming doubts from all aspirants in these areas —
1. What to target for prelims 2022? For those who have started their UPSC preparation only this month onwards.
2. How to revise GS for Prelims? How to form a test series and revision schedule that are in sync with each other?
3. Is CSAT a child’s play?
4. The different kinds of Mock Tests for Prelims. What are they and where will you find them?
5. Tricky topics of Prelims 2022. What are the topics where questions deviate from the standard sources?
6. Difference in preparation- Prelims vs Mains Preparation. What are the differences when it comes to books, current affairs sources and taking down notes on same topics?
7. Analysing test performance. How to change or increase your topic-wise sources in GS Prelims after taking a test?
Webinar Details
It’s time to level up and revise the same syllabus that took you one year to complete in the next 5 months! We hope this webinar will help all 2022 aspirants implement the suggestions of Shubham and Anurag sir
Date: 15 January 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 6 P.M.