Dear students,
UPSC has released DAF I for those who have cleared the Prelims exam and will be writing Mains 2022. Last date to fill your DAF I is 15th July 2022, till 6 pm. You can start filling it out today.

You will need to register yourself on the UPSC website if you have not done already for filling the DAF I.
Smash Mains 2022: Strictly for Rankers and high potential aspirants
Trusted by Rankers, Acknowledged by The Hindu | (Advanced program for Veterans and High Potential candidates) Register now!

We had launched Smash Mains Program for UPSC 2022 earlier this month and now 5 seats are remaining.
If you have appeared for UPSC interview(s) previously and are super close to clearing this exam but Mains is your Achilles heel. Then this is for you.
Smash Mains Program is a highly personalized and intensive handholding program for the crème-de-la-crème (veterans) amongst UPSC aspirants (the intake is 50 students & Last 5 seats are remaining).
Unique Features of the program:
- Invite/Register-only
- Those who are scoring less marks in GS in mains consistently, need to send your mark sheet and test copy here.
- Based on that Sajal sir will select the students.
- One-to-one detailed and in-depth interaction with Sajal sir.