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Join our Habitat now for live discussion on Chapter 3: Attitude today by Sukanya Ma’am at 7:30 pm. Know the best answer writing structure and technique for both section-A and case studies, develop examples/understanding from current, professional/social life, your areas of interest etc.
If you are already on Habitat, you don’t need to register again. Discussion by Sukanya Ma’am will take place in Ethics group at 7:30 pm. Others follow these steps:
- Click on the link provided above.
- Choose Web Application. (Mandatory)
- Enter your details. Click on ‘Register a new account’.
- Choose a username.
- That is it. Welcome to Habitat.
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- Install the Mobile application (click here) from your App store.
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Scoring well in ethics paper is the sine qua non for featuring in final list and getting one’s desired service. Like the essay paper, this paper gives maximum returns on investment.
Join Our Ethics Masterclass 2021.

Here, the involvement is active. Not merely passive that is to say only depending upon what’s being provided. Discussion is to include even the missing zones in individual’s preparation. Even, if you are at your very first reading of this particular paper,it will increase the pace of syllabus coverage since this is a time bound and practical initiative. Also you will know how much importance is to be given to one topic or sub-topic.
Once done with this cycle of discussion and interaction you will be comfortable with concepts and your strengths.
Answer writing, discussions, exchanging views with our dedicated peer is more important than merely relying on books for Ethics. The group will be administered by Sukanya ma’am, UPSC toppers and in-service officers. From discussions to answer writing sessions are going to be held there in a planned manner.
Enroll here for Ethics Masterclass 2021.
Should you encounter any issue in this process or you have a query, reach out to us at +91 89299 87787 or