Fill Samanvaya form to discuss and resolve your UPSC IAS preparation issues, doubts, and insecurities with us. Get FREE Tikdam e-book and IAS starter material after form submission.
Lack of direction in your UPSC IAS preparation, an absence of a well-defined strategy and inability to make required necessary changes either due to lack of guidance or awareness are the biggest killers of your LBSNAA dream.

Therefore, it is essential for you to get your approach rectified and tuned as per the demands of UPSC. If you feel lost in UPSC preparation and have been gripped by negativity, self-doubt, and demotivation, this is for you. (Schedule your 1-to-1 mentorship call here)
Fill the Samanvaya form for a free on-call mentorship session. We’ll call you within 24 hours.
(Free Tikdam e-book and Civilsdaily’s IAS starter material will be emailed to you post form submission.)
Civilsdaily Samanvaya 1-On-1 Mentorship Form

The Perfect exam cracking pattern

Our 3 tier mentoring:
1. First step starts with this Samanvaya call: Once you fill in the form, our senior mentors will have a 1-to-1 detailed discussion (on-callbased on which we create a step by step plan for next week, next month and so on.
2. You are given access to our invite-only chat platform, Habitat where you can connect with mentors, ask your daily doubts, discuss your test-prep questions and have real-time live sessions on news and op-eds, and find your optional groups.

3. The third and the most personalized tier is the dedicated 1 on 1 mentor allotment who stays with you through the course of your UPSC preparation – always-on chat and on scheduled calls to help you assess, evaluate, and chart the next milestone of your IAS 2021/2022 journey.

Who are you?
- Working Junta? If you are preparing for IAS 2021/2022 and working simultaneously, we can help you strategize and decipher the IAS exam and design a timetable that fits right in your hectic schedule.
- First-time prep? If you are in the last year of college or thinking of dropping a year and preparing for IAS 2021/2022 full time, we’ll help you pick the right books and craft a practical & personal strategy.
- Have appeared before? and weren’t successful. We’ll help you identify your mistakes, rectify them for the necessary course correction. Let this be your final and successful attempt.
You just have to take 5 minutes out and fill this form: Samanvaya For IAS 2021/2022
Talk to senior mentors from Civilsdaily: Fill Samanvaya form for IAS 2021 and IAS 2022. Once done, we will call you within 24 hours or so.

Fill up the following details in Samanvaya form given below to schedule a free one-on-one mentorship session with senior mentors from Civilsdaily. We’ll call you within 24 hours.
Don’t forget to check your email after form submission to download your free Tikdam e-book and Civilsdaily’s IAS starter material.