Register for Live Webinar || How to Score 130+ with 90 days Complete plan || UPSC 2021 Prelims Preparation under the Mentorship of an in-Service Officer

Register for a Live Webinar with Me – Date: 04 July 2021, Time: 3 PM

In the great war of Mahabharata between Kaurava and Pandava, both wanted Krishna on their side. He gave both of them the choice of either his entire army, or himself as charioteer on a condition that he would neither fight nor hold any weapon. Duryodhana happily chose his army while Arjuna his guidance by choosing him as his charioteer.  

There was a reason why Arjun chose Krishna, he was the person who provided the intelligence, the guidance, and knew the strength and weaknesses of Arjuna. We know the result of the Kurushetra war, which was won by Arjuna under his guidance. He guided Arjuna to avoid mistakes and strive for his best towards victory.

Similarly, for UPSC aspirants those who have right guidance to clear Prelims, while others often commit mistakes that cost them success even at the first level i.e. the UPSC prelims. Around 95% fail at this level only. 

There are Three mistakes of UPSC preparation- the mistakes which cost attempts and dreams:

#Mistake No-1: Relying on short cuts and long cuts:

#Mistake No- 2: Not developing conceptual understanding and interlinking

#Mistake-No 3. Poor Assessment of own preparation i.e. Practice tests

It is said that Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Let’s do that differently this time.

Understanding those mistakes and rectifying it helped me to score 145.34 and 142 in UPSC prelims GS paper when the cutoffs were 102 and 98 respectively and always above 120 plus in all attempts. 

Fortunately, there is still around 100 days before you sit in Prelims- 2021. All you need is a mentor and a guide who understands your preparation as Krishna and helps you hit only the TARGET nothing else. Someone who himself has scored 120 plus always Prelims and understands part and parcel of the exam process.

If you are willing to give your 110%, I will be available to ensure in the next 90 days  that you will come out of the examination hall with confidence and not with borderline cases, who waste next month in anticipation of prelims results, which could utilised for mains.

So if you are determined and willing to work hard, then only you are welcome to webinar on this Sunday (04.07.2021) at 3PM. 

In this webinar, you can expect to learn about:

# 90 days concrete plan for Prelims-2021

#Changed pattern of prelims- overall change and subject wise change

#Subject specific focus : Polity, economy, ecology, history, geography, art and culture, S&T and IR: resources, methods, scope and utility in pre and mains

#Current affairs: Learn keywords approach

#How to revise effectively and not merely review?

#Time Management skills and optimal utilisation of resources

# Maximum benefit from Test series: Learn 3 fold approach to solve questions 

#An interactive Q&A session with Santosh Gupta sir. 

#Important Civilsdaily softcopies takeaway for exam preparation.

-Not only ideas, but a concrete 90 days plan of execution.

See you soon!

A quick bit about Santosh Gupta:

Santosh Gupta sir has scored above 140 twice in UPSC prelims and always 120 plus in all 6 attempts. He wrote all 6 mains and appeared for Interview 3 times. He has qualified UPSC EPFO and BPSC 56-59th also. He is presently working as Assistant Commissioner in Commercial Tax Department in Government of Bihar. He has been teaching and mentoring UPSC aspirants for the last 5 years with tremendous interest in environment and ecology and Polity.

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