Parliament – Sessions, Procedures, Motions, Committees etc

British PM faces No-Confidence Vote


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: No-Confidence Vote

Mains level: Not Much

British Prime Minister will face a no-confidence vote that could oust him from power.

What is No-Confidence Vote?

  • If the government has to demonstrate its strength on the floor of the House, it can have a motion of confidence.
  • However, the opposition parties (or any member) can move a motion expressing want of confidence (no confidence) in the Council of Ministers.
  • The procedure is laid down under Rule 198 of the rules of procedure and conduct of the business of the Lok Sabha.
  • A no-confidence motion need not set out any grounds on which it is based.
  • Even when grounds are mentioned in the notice and read out in the House, they do not form part of the no-confidence motion.

Its procedure

  • A no-confidence motion can be moved by any member of the House.
  • It can be moved only in the Lok Sabha and not Rajya Sabha.
  • Rule 198 of the Rules of Procedure and conduct of Lok Sabha specifies the procedure for moving a no-confidence motion.
  • The member has to give written notice of the motion before 10 am which will be read out by the Speaker in the House.
  • A minimum of 50 members have to accept the motion and accordingly, the Speaker will announce the date for discussion for the motion.
  • The allotted date has to be within 10 days from the day the motion is accepted. Otherwise, the motion fails and the member who moved the motion will be informed about it.
  • If the government is not able to prove its majority in the House, then the government of the day has to resign.

How is the voting done?

These are the modes by which voting can be conducted:

  1. Voice vote: In a voice vote, the legislators respond orally.
  2. Division vote: In case of a division vote, voting is done using electronic gadgets, slips or in a ballot box.
  3. Ballot vote: The ballot box is usually a secret vote – just like how people vote during state or parliamentary elections.

What happens if there is a tie?

  • Following the vote, the person who has the majority will be allowed to form the government.
  • In case there is a tie, the speaker can cast his vote.

Try this PYQ:

Q.Consider the following statements regarding a No-Confidence Motion in India:

  1. There is no mention of a No-Confidence Motion in the Constitution of India.
  2. A Motion of No-Confidence can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only.

Which of the statements given above is / are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


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Back2Basics:  What is a Trust-Vote?

  • A confidence motion or a trust vote is a procedure for the government to prove its majority in the House.
  • A trust vote can take place by way of a motion of confidence which is moved by the government or brought by the opposition.
  • It is a motion normally proposed by the Prime Minister to test the majority in the Lok Sabha.
  • Such an exercise normally takes place when a new government is set to be formed.
  • Any party will first have to prove its majority on the floor of the House before taking over.
  • A trust vote can also be brought about if a government resigns and another party stakes a claim to form the government.


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