Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Places in news: Yasuni National Park


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Yasuni National Park

Mains level: Not Much

yasuni national park

Central Idea

  • Ecuadorians made a historic decision by rejecting oil drilling by a referendum in Yasuni National Park, a biodiverse Amazonian region.

About Yasuni National Park

  • Yasuni National Park, declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 1989, spans 1 million hectares and harbors exceptional biodiversity.
  • It is part of the Amazon rainforest, which itself is a global hotspot for species diversity.
  • It is situated in the northeastern part of Ecuador, within the Napo and Pastaza provinces.
  • It covers an area of approximately 9,820 square km (3,791 square miles).
  • The park is considered one of the most biologically diverse areas on Earth.

Unique features

  • Biodiversity: It is estimated that Yasuni contains around 670 species of birds, over 150 species of amphibians, and numerous large mammals like jaguars, pumas, and tapirs.
  • Indigenous Communities: Yasuni is home to several indigenous communities, including the Waorani and Kichwa peoples, who have lived in the area for generations and have a deep connection to the land.

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