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Death Penalty Abolition Debate

The death penalty is eminently fallible, yet irrevocably final. It operates in a system that is highly fragile and open to manipulation and mistakes. The exercise of mercy powers under Article 72/161 has also failed in acting as the final bulwark against miscarriage of justice arising from arbitrary, unfair or wrongful exercise of death penalty. Let's map a story on what is going on in India.

Urban Transformation – Smart Cities, AMRUT, etc.

A smart city is one that uses information and communication technologies to enhance citizen engagement. It is a neo-vision which seeks to improve the delivery of services in urban areas. The following story maps out the steps being taken by India to explore this concept in practice.

Prelims Over – What Next?

Read the syllabus, again. Have a well chalked-out plan and execute it. We can and we will hold your hand to success. The Mains strategy should be out by tomorrow. Let's get cracking!


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💥Mentorship New Batch Launch
💥Mentorship New Batch Launch