19th October

17th October

15th October

14th October

12th October

11th October

10th October

FMC-SEBI Merger: The Road Ahead

Recently, FMC-SEBI merger made lot of news. Let's try to understand the underlying issues and what benefits commodity markets will reap, after coming under SEBI.

9th October

CD’s Guide to IAS Prep: From Aspirant to IAS Officer

Preparing for Civil Services can only mean 2 things: A wholehearted effort to become a Civil Servant or an equally wholehearted effort to waste best years of one’s life. So, If you are doing it, DO IT, don’t pretend doing it. Fair Enough? Let's jump onto the roadmap then!

7th October

6th October

5th October

3rd October

UPSC Syllabus | GS Paper 3 | IAS Prep

Economics & Enviro are the mainstay of this GS Paper 3. The other 3 topics form a relatively small segment of this paper and are mostly covered at the end of time (which is a euphemism for last month of IAS Mains).

2nd October

1st October

30th September


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