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28th April
MCQ Maze 9
Q1. With reference to the culture of India, what is ‘Therukoothu’? (a) an ancient martial art form popular in Kerala… Continue reading MCQ Maze 9
26 Ramsar sites in India: A comprehensive survey
Covering wetlands of India, very very comprehensively
27th April
Everything that you need to know: Wetlands, Ramsar Convention, Montreux Record
All about managing wetlands- Ramsar Convention, Montreux Record, National Wetland Conservation Program of India
MCQ Maze 8
Q1. Who of the following Chalukya ruler shifted his capital from Aihole to Vatapi(Badami)? (a) Jayasimha (b) Pulakesin I (c)… Continue reading MCQ Maze 8
To the Late Runners – Do Another Manjhi!
Hello Everyone, There are two winter seasons in a UPSC candidate’s life. One caused by earth’s tilt and another caused… Continue reading To the Late Runners – Do Another Manjhi!
The notification for UPSC 2016 is out
Check here – http://www.upsc.gov.in
Different Forms of Traditional Theatre in India – Part 2
Completing the theatre forms of India - 15/15!
Different Forms of Traditional Theatre in India – Part 1
Covering 6 of 15 traditional theatre forms of India in this first article
रिफ्यूजी संकट, चौथी औद्योगिक क्रांति और जैव प्रौद्योगिकी विकास रणनीति
साथियों, विस्तृत आलेख श्रृंखला के इस भाग(भाग-4) में आप रिफ्यूजी संकट, चौथी औद्योगिक क्रांति और राष्ट्रीय जैव प्रौद्योगिकी विकास रणनीति… Continue reading रिफ्यूजी संकट, चौथी औद्योगिक क्रांति और जैव प्रौद्योगिकी विकास रणनीति
Stories and Blogs Magazine
Hi @Root admin, It will be really helpful if you can do the same date-wise article on news for Blogs… Continue reading Stories and Blogs Magazine
26th April
[E&B Bodies #1] Guide to understanding the National Biodiversity Authority
Implementing the Biological Diversity Act in a decentralised manner
Social Media and the Whatsapp Encryption Challenge
The ABCs of encryption and how Whatsapp went about it.
MCQ solutions for the maze 5 and 6 sessions
Get solutions pdf form the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxdqUlW1zhMsTU9XVm5tSWlJMk0/view
MCQ Maze 7
Q1. In which one of the following states shall you find a unique geological feature commonly known as ‘karewas’ or… Continue reading MCQ Maze 7
Citizen-student debates
Citizen-student debates on campuses could reduce campus discontent. Comment. Rashmi Prof B R A Rao’s institute for competitive exams. Bangalore
Water conservation
Water conservation through trapping rain water using soak pits is an urgent necessity. It should be done more through social… Continue reading Water conservation
Diplomacy policy of Modi
Modi’s diplomacy has both hard and soft demerits. Comment. Rashmi Prof B R A Rao’s institute for competitive exams. Bangalore
MCQ Maze 6
Q1. With reference to Nilgiri Tahr, which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. It is found along the entire… Continue reading MCQ Maze 6
25th April
Ordinance route and Money billls
Can ordinance route be used to pass Money Bill, since both money bill and ordinance bills are passed by a… Continue reading Ordinance route and Money billls
MCQ Maze 5
Q1. Which of the following add sulphur to the sulphur cycle on earth? 1. Volcanic Eruptions 2. Combustion of fossil… Continue reading MCQ Maze 5
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